Saturday, February 28, 2009

What is the Secret to Obama's Favorability?

On Tuesday Obama gave his first speech to the joint houses of Congress. I listened, but only to find some inconsistency or socialist agenda hidden in his speech. I found something, but it was much more disturbing. As I listened to him speak I noticed that I was leaning on every word, almost cheering for him. At the same time, I knew everything he was saying was bad for this country. It was like two I was two different people. I know his politics, I know his agenda, I know where he is leading us; and I hate his politics, I hate his agenda, I hate where he is leading us. So why was I feeling almost euphoric as I listened to him speak? As I thought about it, it wasn't the first time I had felt that way when I listened to him; in hindsight, I feel that way every time I hear him in one of his drawn-out speeches.
I'm not saying that I find myself agreeing with him while he speaks, nothing could be further from the truth. I recognize Obama for what he really is, a full-fledged communist. I find that to be a major threat to the US way of life. So why do I feel the way I do when I hear him speak?
On Wednesday morning Glenn Beck said something that scared me even more than the way I feel listening to Obama. He admitted to the same feelings. Glenn Beck? Almost happy to hear Obama? Almost cheering him on? How can that be?
Thinking back on it, something clicked for just an instant. Not long, but long enough to dredge up a memory, from not too long ago, but a memory that at the time didn't make enough of an impression to stand out. After the election in November, Obama took some time off, he made no speeches, no public appearances. At that point his favorability began to slip. As soon as he started making public appearances his favorability rose again. How does that work? He had just won the election, he was to be the first African-American President in the history of our country. So how does his favorability ratings slip as soon as he takes a few weeks off?
And exactly how did his favorability ratings get so high to begin with? A small, insignificant Chicago activist, turned Illinois politician, turned US Senator and in just two years the President-elect. How does that happen? A man with highly questionable ties, links to domestic terrorists like Ayers and Dorn, a twenty year relationship with an anti-American racist minister; how did a man with these links come from the unknown void of Chicago politics and secure the Oval Office? Worse yet, how does this man get die-hard conservatives sitting on the edge of their seats listening to his speeches and almost cheering for him?
During the campaign Obama had alot of missteps, he did alot of "flip-flopping" on opinions and policies. He always got a pass on that, how did that happen? Shawn Griffiths wrote on the blog "The North Texas Conservative" the following, "the majority of the people who voted for Obama didn't know anything about him. All they knew was that he had become a national celebrity, and that he used appealing words like "hope" and "change". Whether these words had any substance behind them made no difference to these Americans, because they were not really paying that close attention to their messiah." To some degree he may be right, but on another level it appears they were paying attention too closely and merely not thinking for themselves.
On the website I found this quote, "hypnotized people say they experience a wonderful feeling of childlike freedom." Sounds like euphoria. At this point I know people are saying, "hypnotism? Is this crazy conpiriatorialist really talking about hypnotism?" Actually, yes I am. It's really not as far-fetched as it sounds. On the website there is this, "in order to 'hpnotize' a person into performing silly or bizarre behavior on-stage, the circumstances must warrent the behavior, like in a first year acting class. The charismatic or 'kingly' stage hypnotist takes the stage with much flourish, sets his agenda in motion in front of an inquisitive audience and relies on the emotionally charged atmosphere to motivate his 'subject to conform and act out his 'commands'." This description aptly describes the Obama campaign. LJust like the audience wants to be hypnotized at a stage show, the audience wanted to be swayed by Obama. Obama always was charismatic, he had a certain "flourish on stage." He started out speaking to people that agreed with his message, then spread out to speak to people who didn't agree but were close. He was blessed with a fervor around his campaign that spread to others and helped encourage those who didn't agree to be "hypnotized" by him. He always spoke with a slow, deliberate speech pattern, similar to what a stage hypnotist would use. He was praised for his speaking ability, but we conservatives had a good laugh at his expense when the teleprompter broke in midspeech, his speaking abilities weren't nearly as good as his reading skills. After that, Obama never spoke off the cuff again, all speeches are loaded onto and read from a telepromptor.
There is more to the belief that Obama is using a form of hypnosis. is a 67 page report that highlights Obama's alleged use of "conversational" or "covert" hypnosis techniques or NLP, neuro-linguistic programming.
Conversational hypnosis techniques were developed by Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. The website gives this example of Dr. Erickson using his hypnosis technique, "Often, Erickson didn't use a formal trace induction. Instead he talk stories that has a deeper meaning. Sometimes that meaning was clear, most times it was not. At least not to the person's conscious mind. For example, a twelve-year-old boy was brought in to see Erickson about bedwetting. Erickson dismissed his parents and began talking to the boy about other topics, avoiding a direct discussion about bedwetting altogether. Upon learning that the boy played baseball and his brother football, Erickson elaborated on the fine muscle coordination it takes to play baseball, compared to the uncoordinated muscle skills used in football. The boy listened raptly as Erickson described in fine detail all the muscle adjustments his body automatically makes in order to position him underneath the ball and catch it: the glove has to be opened at just the right moment and clamped down again at just the right moment. When transferring the ball to another hand, the same kind of fine muscle control is needed. Then, when throwing the ball to the infield, if one lets go too soon, it doesn't go where on wants it to go. Likewise letting go too late leads to an undesired outcome and consequently to frustration. Erickson explained that letting go just at the right time gets it to go where one wants it to go, and that constitutes successä in baseball. Therapy with this young man consisted of four sessions that included talks about other sports, boy scouts, and muscles. But bedwetting was not discussed, and "formal hypnosis" was not conducted. The boy's bedwetting disappeared soon thereafter." Has anyone ever noticed Obama's tendency to tell stories, or in the Saul Alinksy style, to have someone else tell stories for him? From ,"Erickson discovered when he told stories, he totally bypassed conscious resistance." For any who question how Obama could hypnotize an entire nation, this is how.
Obama has mastered the techniques discovered by Dr. Erickson and combined them with the teachings of Saul Alinsky, and forced an entire nation into unwitting submission to his will. But he isn't done yet. The hypnotic speechs will continue until he has secured unquestioning and unending power.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"We Are All Socialists Now" Except For The Dissidents

February 16th, the magazine Newsweek made national headlines with the cover story "We Are All Socialists Now" by Jon Meacham and Evan Thomas. They were talking primarily about the banking bailout, health care and the economic stimulus bill. They laid the blame on George Bush,"The U.S. government has already—under a conservative Republican administration—effectively nationalized the banking and mortgage industries." What they failed to point out was that Bush wanted to help the ailing banking and mortgage industries, but it was the Democrats that insisted on the government receiving stock in those companies that received help, it was not Bush that forced companies that did not want or need help, such as Wells Fargo, to accept help anyway. It was not Bush that decided any company that received help would be subject to salary caps that are completely contrary to a "free-market" system. They went on to say, "under a conservative GOP administration that we enacted the largest expansion of the welfare state in 30 years: prescription drugs for the elderly," clearly forgetting that it was the Democrats that forced the bill that Bush signed. They do point out inconsistencies in the way Americans are thinking, "Polls show that Americans don't trust government and still don't want big government. They do, however, want what government delivers, like health care and national defense and, now, protections from banking and housing failure." A recent Fox News poll showed that 82% of Americans believe government is responsible to help rebuild communities hit by disasters, 68% believe government should make sure all Americans have food, 66% think government is responsible for ensuring all Americans have health care, 52% believe government should provide housing to those who cannot afford it, 51% believe government should provide jobs for Americans.
But Meacham and Thomas do write that Americans, "don't trust government and don't want big government." While this poll and the previous statement in the Newsweek article seem to be contradictory, they are actually symptomatic of the real problem in America; people are increasingly ignorant of what socialism really is. February 10th, Senator Tom Coburn (R-Ok) said in a speech on the stimulus bill, "Let me conclude by saying we are at a seminal moment in our country. We will either start living within the confines of realism and responsibility or we will blow it and we will create the downfall of the greatest nation that ever lived.
This bill is the start of that downfall. To abandon a market-oriented society and transfer it to a Soviet-style, government-centered, bureaucratic-run and mandated program, that is the thing that will put the stake in the heart of freedom in this country
." Alan Keyes wrote on his blog, "Coburn says that the policies being pursued by Obama will lead to a "Soviet-Style, government centered, bureaucratic-run and mandated" result. As I recall, the Soviet-style of government was a communist state." One must wonder how many people remember what Soviet Russia was really like, if anyone remembers watching news reports in the 70's of the breadlines, of people waiting for days to buy just one roll of toilet paper.
Meacham and Thomas conclude the Newsweek article in this way, "The Obama administration is caught in a paradox. It must borrow and spend to fix a crisis created by too much borrowing and spending. Having pumped the economy up with a stimulus, the president will have to cut the growth of entitlement spending by holding down health care and retirement costs and still invest in ways that will produce long-term growth. Obama talks of the need for smart government. To get the balance between America and France right, the new president will need all the smarts he can summon." Unfortunately, Meacham and Thomas haven't taken the time to consider all of the bills that are appearing in Congress since Comrade President has taken office. If they had, they would know that he has no intention of getting a balance between "America and France."
Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fl) has sponsored a bill, HR 645 that has moved into committee. HR 645 is written to mandate the building of "Emergency Relief Centers" on military installations, not LESS than six. On its surface it seems like a good idea until you read the one line that leaves it open for a more nefarious use, "To meet any other appropriate need, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security." This one line leaves the bill open to concentration camps to hold political dissidents opposing Comrade Presidents social agenda. Who will decide what is "appropriate"? The socialists will make that decision for us.
Next we have HR 45, the Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. HR 45 was sponsored by Rep. Bobby Rush(D-Il). This bill is in the Judiciary committee now. It requires licensing to own and possess firearms, the license is temporary and must be renewed every five years. It also mandates letting the government know where you live and where the weapons in question are stored at all times. There is an exemption to these requirements,"SEC. 801. INAPPLICABILITY TO GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES.
This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall not apply to any department or agency of the United States, of a State, or of a political subdivision of a State, or to any official conduct of any officer or employee of such a department or agency."
A political subdivision? Like maybe Comrade President's "Civilian Security Force"?
There are currently eight states that have signed non-binding legislation to reassert their sovereignty with twelve more expected to pass similar legislation before the end of this year. The governors of several of these states have complained about the restrictions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill just signed into law by Comrade President. But the Socialists have ensured that the state's will receive the money whether the governor approves or not. They inserted a line that gives the feds the right to bypass the governor of any state that refuses the money, and allow the state assembly to spend it without the governor's input. This will set up a precedent that would allow Comrade President to bypass Posse Comitatus, and use the state militias against any dissidents that oppose him in the future. That precedent will be needed when the American people wake up to what is happening to their country.
There is talk of bringing back the "Fairness Doctrine." Comrade President says he is against it. He isn't for the idea publicly, but he has done his part to shut down opposition when he told Republicans, "You can't listen to Rush Limbaugh..." The Democrats in Congress are increasingly talking about bringing back the "Fairness Doctrine" and Comrade President will sign it when they do. He has no choice, he needs it. The simple fact is that liberal talk radio loses money and for that reason doesn't last on radio. With the Fairness Doctrine, the Liberals can force liberal talk radio down the throats of Americans until those Americans that listen to talk radio quit doing so. That will cause radio stations to lose money on talk radio, the stations will then go to something people will listen to, like music. Then the conservative voice has been effectively shut down, giving the socialists free reign to do whatever they want without public knowledge; so much for transparency.
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Rahm Emanuel said, speaking specifically on the economy, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you didn't think you could do before." Unfortunately, he may not have been talking only about the economy. Vice President Biden said, "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy." The question is if it will truly be an international "crisis." I tend to believe that he will be "tested" domestically. People are mad, at least, according to polls, half of us. Some are even going so far as to talk about civil war or revolution, myself included but only if the American people make an honest effort to reign in their elected leaders first. When people start to rise up against Comrade President and his socialist pod people, he will have the crisis he needs and one that fits into Rahm Emanuel's scenario. He will be able to fulfil the plans that Government has been putting in place since Comrade President's inauguration. We will see the Government pull the various National Guard units from around the country into action against the American people, dissidents will be rounded up and placed into internment camps, weapons will be collected and the American people will be disarmed to prevent them from fighting for their freedom, constitutional rights will be suspended. And America will not be a "European" socialist nation, it will be more along the lines of an old Soviet model.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Comrade President Prepares For Civil War With Anti-American Bills and Orders

"I have reason to believe that no colony which shall assume a government under the people, shall ever give it up." These words were written by John Adams in a letter to his wife while he worked in the Continental Congress to declare our nation's independence in 1776. Unfortunately, it now appears that the honorable Mr. Adams was wrong, with the Obama administration moving us rapidly toward a socialist government and 43% of Americans believing, according to a recent Fox News poll, that socialism is the way this nation needs to go.
The United States are under assault. Not from a foreign power, though we are under assault from a religious movement, radical Islam. Our greatest threat is from our own government. The Obama administration, with the help of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, are rapidly moving us in a dangerous direction.
Nancy Pelosi, under Obama's direction had the American Recovery and Reinvestment act written, the $819 billion dollar spending bill was written without any input from the Republicans in the house. Not one Republican voted to approve the bill. When that bill was passed to the Senate, it was shaved down to $780 billion dollars, but back up to $837 billion by the time it passed the Senate, with only three turncoat Republicans voting in favor of it. The final version is $789 billion and plans to create jobs with a myriad of spending on job creating projects like building new satellites to study global warming, a new ice cutter for the Arctic circle which is melting rapidly enough according to the Democrats that by the time the new ship is built we'll need SUV's to go to the Arctic circle, and the ever popular universal health care beginning with placing all Americans' health records online. There was a section of the "stimulus" bill that required companies getting contracts under this act to use E-verify to ensure that no illegal aliens worked on those contracts but Pelosi and he Democrats in the house got rid of that provision so the rights of illegal aliens are protected. Obama is extremely upset that only three republican Senators voted in favor of this bill.
The Democrats are considering bringing back the "Fairness Doctrine." The Fairness Doctrine would require tv and radio stations to give equal time to liberal programming and views when they give time to conservative programs. In other words, if a station airs three hours of Rush Limbaugh, they would have to air three hours of a liberal host. It leaves a question as to who would judge the time, and gives no mention of forcing liberal stations to give the same "equal time" to conservatives. Since liberal programming doesn't draw the listeners that conservative programming does this would lead programs to drop all conservative programming, effectively shutting down airing of views in opposition to the democrats. Obama has not officially made his opinion clear on the Fairness Doctrine, however, after his attack on Rush Limbaugh,"quit listening to Limbaugh.." it is all too clear. Left-wing radio host Mike Malloy said,"Rush Limbaugh is a bigger threat to this country than Osama Bin Laden." Malloy went further suggesting that Limbaugh should be arrested and tried for treason and that Republicans are the real "internal terrorists." You can email the White House at but if you send an email unfavorable to Obama and the socialist agenda you will be blocked. I already made that list.
It takes more to convert this nation to socialism/communism than to pass a spending bill, the largest in our nation's history, and the suppression of free speech. And we are getting more. The Obama administration has decided to bring the census under White House control rather than under the commerce secretary as it has been since 1903. Why? In an effort to redraw congressional districts to bring still more democrats into Washington, squeezing still more republicans out.
Obama has also entered an unholy alliance with the Communist Party USA and organized labor. The Communist Party USA pushes and uses labor issues to advance its agenda, which appears to be exactly the same as Obama's(isn't that surprising when one considers the associations Obama had prior to becoming President). Obama is pushing for "card check." Card check, in short allows unions to form without a secret ballot vote by the workers at any company in America. The problem with this is that the union can come in, lie to the workers and have them sign a petition under the premise of bringing the issue to a vote, then with 50% of the workers signed on, the union can go to the Labor Board and have a union declared, the company has no chance to talk to the workers on the companies' behalf, and no vote will ever take place. The company will have no choice but to accept the union or go out of business. Obama also signed an executive order on February 06, 2009; that order is Executive Order: Use of Project Labor Agreements For Federal Construction Projects. This order essentially forces the government to use labor unions, effectively making non-union members ineligible for government jobs. Obama's links with the Communist Party USA doesn't end there. Sam Webb, National Chair, CPUSA wrote,"...the transfer of power from Bush to President Obama...also signified the fading away of one era and the beginning of another..." Webb also writes of Obama that,"a friend of labor and its allies sits in the White House." and that "...the labor and people's movement that was so instrumental to the elections off and running." Webb suggests that Obama begin taking these following steps:
-public ownership of the financial system.
-public control of the Federal Reserve Bank.
-still more economic stimulus spending.
-strengthening union rights.
-democratic public takeover of the energy complex as well as other basic industries.
-turning education, childcare, and healthcare into "no profit" zones.
-changing direction of our nation's foreign policy toward cooperation,disarmament,and diplomacy
-full scale assault on global warming.
-serious and sustained commitment to assisting the developing countries.
It is easy to concieve that someone might have one or two similar views to the communist party, but to have an agenda that mirrors the agenda of the party goes beyond mere conception. One can only believe that Obama is the socialist/communist that he denies being.
At one time the Soviet Union swore they would conquer America "without firing a shot."
Once they have conquered America they need to be able to deal with the holdouts that refuse to accept, or even have the audacity to resist communism. The Democrats have a plan for that. They have gun control, and the newest gun control mechanism is HR 45, also known as the "Blair Holt" Bill. This bill will require the licensing of all hand guns and magazine-fed semi-automatic rifles, universal criminal background checks of all gun owners, and prevent the transfer of ownership by private transaction.
There is HR645 which is sponsored by Alcee Hastings. This bill seems harmless enough until you read it closely. It is presented as providing Emergency Relief Centers, but "Section 2 (b) (4) to meet any other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security" leaves it open to be used as concentration camps to detain those who resist communism.
States are starting to rebel against this communist conquest now. Eight states including Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington have all passed legislation to reclaim state sovereignity with the states of California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania expected to follow later this year.
The lines are being drawn. There will be no other option but to fight. Obama and his communist supporters will never let the rest of us have our freedom without it.
I started this Post with the words of John Adams, I will end it the same way.

"We may please ourselves with the prospect of free and popular
governments. But there is great danger that those governments will not
make us happy. God grant they may. But I fear that in every
assembly, members will obtain an influence by noise not sense. By
meanness, not greatness. By ignorance, not learning. By contracted
hearts, not large souls..."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Comrade President Brings Us Still Closer to Civil War

"We the People", this phrase, these three little words are the most important wordsin our Constitution. They set the tone for the Constitution that is our guiding principles and laws. These three simple words, combined with the idea behind the phrase that President Lincoln used in the Gettysburg Address,"government of the people, by the people, and for the people," give us the political system that we have enjoyed until recent years, a system of self-rule, a system that has been perverted over the years. A system that is now threatened with extinction.

"We the People" and "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" tell us the most important aspect of our form of government is "We the People." We are the government, we elect people as our representatives to go to Washington DC in our behalf. These people are mere representatives, they are not the Government even though we call them government, "We the People" are the government, we hold the authority. Or rather, we held the authority, until we gave it up, through laziness and complacency, to our elected representatives.

It didn't happen overnight, we gave up our authority over years, decades. We allowed ourselves to become reliant on the false government presented by our representatives; a false government that offered social security, first as an optional program, then as a mandated program; a false government that offered welfare payments for the poor, then made it almost impossible for the poor to get off of that welfare program; a false government that wanted income taxes temporarily to pay for the first World War, then brought in the IRS and made those taxes permanent and used it to control the people they answered to; a false government that now threatens to gain control over every aspect of our lives. We wanted a carefree life, with no worries about how to provide for ourselves, our families; we wanted ther best healthcare but didn't want to worry about how to pay for it; we wanted the best homes, without worrying about how to pay for them; we wanted low fuel prices without having to sacrifice by cutting back on our consumption; we wanted the best jobs without having to earn them, without having to start at the bottom and work our way up; we wanted our elected representatives to make our lives easier, safer, better; we wanted someone else to be government for us.
Now we have it, we elected Comrade President and his pod people from the Democratic Party. Why? Because they made promises to do just that for us.
Comrade President promised that we would have health care paid for by the government, he promised that we would have "renewable" energy, he promised that we would end the war that we are all getting tired of(Nevermind that we need to win before we can end it). On his first day in office, Comrade President set to the work of ending the war; he declared the war on terror was over, he signed an executive order to close GITMO and bring the terrorists to American courts; by the end of his second week in office, Comrade President had signed orders suspended trials of the terrorists that had been captured on the battlefield, and dropped charges against the terrorist that is charged with planning the attack on the USS Cole and causing the deaths of seventeen American sailors. Comrade President, with the help of the pod people, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid, passed and signed into law an expansion of SCHIP, the state children's health insurance; almost the same plan that was vetoed in October of 2007, after the American people buried Congress in phone calls demanding that the bill be struck down; now the new SCHIP bill has been expanded even more, it now includes "children" up to thirty years of age that make up to $65,000 a year; this program to indoctrinate our youth into universal health care will be paid for on the backs of smokers with an oppresive increase in tobacco tax.
Currently, we have a recession to deal with; Comrade President and the pod people have convinced us that it is as bad as the Great Depression, that we needed urgent action to prevent a total economic meltdown; to do this they have come up with a plan, just before the election in November they came up with a bailout plan that President Bush wanted, but the pod people insisted on a provision that would give the government controlling interest in the financial institutions that got the bailout money, for the institutions such as Wells Fargo that didn't need or want the money, the pod people had a plan, they forced these companies to partake against their will and still recieved controlling interest. When that bailout failed, as predicted by loyal conservatives, the pod people came up with a new plan; the new plan was the same plan but for the auto industry. Again, the plan failed to "correct" the problem, but by now Comrade President was in office; armed with his "authority" and a claim of the "will of the people," and with the help of Pelosi and Reid, Comrade President has a new plan, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; a plan which he promises will create four million new jobs at a time that Speaker Pelosi assures us that each month we don't pass this "stimulus" bill another five hundred Americans lose their jobs(never mind the fact that the entire population of the US is only three hundred million according to the most recent census report).
How does Comrade President and his pod people intend to create four million new jobs? He intends to do it with the economic stimulus bill; with stimulating provisions like the $4,000,000,000 to smoking cessation programs, refer back to the SCHIP funding to see just how great this plan is(never mind the fact that encouraging people to quit smoking does nothing to "create" jobs, only serving to end jobs in the tobacco industry);$1,000,000,000 for livestock insurance; a GAO study on the revocation of security clearances since1996; $22,129,000,000 for loans for the purchase of rural homes; $2,825,000,000 for high-speed internet for rural areas; $1,000,000,000 for census taking; $100,000,000 to revamp the management of WIC(Women Infants and Children); $150,000,000 for emergency food assistance; $650,000,000 for digital-to-analogue converter boxes; $600,000,000 for the aquisition of satellites to study "global warming;" $400,000,000 for "science" with $250,000,000 dedicated to Earth science climate research; $2,500,000,000 for research; $350,000,000 for green energy developement for military installations, vehicles and equipment; $2,000,000,000 for renewable energy research; $7,700,000,000 to convert government buildings to green energy; $426,000,000 for small business loans, in order to qualify for these loans a small business owner must pass a criminal background check; $325,000,000 for road, bridge and trail repair; $300,000,000 for National Wildlife Refuges and National Fish Hatcheries; $1,700,000,000 for the National Park Service; $500,000,000 for unemployment insurance; $600,000,000, of which $300,000,000 shall not be available until October 1, 2009, shall be for the training of nurses and primary care physicians and dentists as authorized under titles VII and VIII of the PHS Act, for the provision of health care personnel under the National Health Service Corps program authorized under title III of the PHS Act, and for the patient navigator program authorized under title III of the PHS Act; $700,000,000 for comparative effectiveness research, In addition, $400,000,000 shall be available for comparative effectiveness research to be allocated at the discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human Services; $3,200,000,000 for Children and Family Services; $3,000,000,000 for the Prevention and Wellness Fund; $800,000,000 for AMTRAK; $79,000,000,000 for the Department of Education. There is more, much more; that vast majority of which would do absolutely nothing to create jobs, they are mostly just pushing the Democrats' social engineering agenda to bring us all under the thumb of communism. As of February 6 the total amount of this "stimulus package was $937,000,000,000. When the Republicans called it a "spending" package, which it was, Comrade President responded by saying spending is stimulus. To be fair to Comrade President, spending is economic stimulus, but only if the spending is done by consumers, not by the false government. Late on February 6, the Democrats in the Senate reported that they had reached a compromise agreement with the Republicans that shaved the spending bill to a mere $780,000,000,000, but by the next morning the cost of the bill was back to $837,000,000,000, with the cost of interest on the loan required to pay for this bill still not figured in. By the time the Senate votes on this bill, February 9 at the earliest, the bill will be back over $900,000,000,000.
Anyone with any complaints against the "government" for this outrageous spending and social engineering bill can look forward to HR645. For those who don't know HR645 mandates the building of "not less than six 'Emergency Detention Centers' on military installations." The only problem with the bill as it stands is this provision: Section 2 (4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. This one line opens the use of these installations as detention for any persons or group of persons that may feel a need to revolt against Comrade President's and his pod peoples' new communistic government.
While I have never felt that a civil war was needed, it is starting to look like the "government" will allow no other option. Before a nation can go to war with itself, there must first be an effort by the people to take back control of their destiny by legal means, every possible effort must be made. When a false government refuses to listen to the people that employ them after those efforts have been exhausted, there can be no other option left. I don't like it, but we are almost to that point now. If Comrade President and his lackeys don't reverse course and remember their place, civil war will become necessary.